There was one of 21 of the people having lunch. she wore an executive outfit, came the bride very well dressed, soft and it showed that he spent most of the account as to what a worker earns, had new bike, and salary was 350 soles a month. How could this be? We decided to follow up on this operator in the street outside and so we did it. Observance who lived in a populous neighborhood, his house was very poor, but lived to like a king. tasting body of beer every day, strangely enough, for a poor person who earns the minimum. One day came to his house another plant worker whom we identified and went together on the bike the young operator. We followed and saw that arrived in Huacho to a house of an engineer who received them very well, talked, and went drinking and laughing, shaking mano.El Huachano engineer given several tickets and told them, do not forget my commission, not fail me. “returned to our operations center and began to reveal the pictures we had taken from a car at 20 meters. We had the pictures of the engineer and operators Huachano suspects. We set up our table, accompanied by photos of the operator of 21 years from his home, his amusements, his girlfriend and decided to show the person who booked us. Our contracting when we saw the photos said he knew the engineer of the picture because for a worker had been years earlier. When he saw the Photos of the operator of 21 years, on the train of life to be admired and said, “Neither do I have so much money to drink beer every day like this guy.” The picture revealed more, was the oldest of the other operator which he also conflict acknowledged as a workman..