Scope of hunting will be transferred to the Ministry last week it became known that as soon as regulatory functions in the field hunting and authority in the field of game management will be transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture in Ministry of Environment. Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for government policy and regulation in the protection, study, preservation, reproduction and use of animals assigned to objects hunting and habitat with the exception of specially protected areas and the Red Book of animals dealt with by the mep. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) welcomed the imminent transfer of the scope of hunting in Ministry of Natural Resources management, as it believes the return of regulation of hunting in the mep logical action, aimed at concentrating the responsibility of one ministry control over either the hunter, and for rare species animals. Moscow claims the title of the greenest capital in Europe already by 2025, Russia could become the greenest capital in Europe. It is these goals put the city authorities over the next decade. All this is quite feasible – Russian capital will only increase the area of protected areas from 16,5 thousand hectares to 21 hectares. Today, only Berlin, Moscow surpasses area parks. The only obstacle to Implementation of this can be a financial crisis: in 2010, spending on environmental projects will be reduced by 20% compared with the current year. Another contender for the title of the greenest capital in Europe is Kiev: Today in the Ukrainian capital per capita accounts for 20 square meters.