Without a doubt, the librarian is a professional who has much to offer to the society, as she can be observed through the programs of extension of the libraries: box-bookshelf; luggage of the book; bus-library; boat-library; reading in high voice; works these that can (and many until already are) be developed in agricultural day-care centers, hospitals, prisons, communities and peripheries, asylums. In this context, we can stand out the work that the librarian can develop through the boat-library, fighting the illiteracy, in view of that our North reality possesss a great marginal community and that many of these do not possess schools much less library. Thus being, the professional will have one better knowledge of the community that the fence, with the s chances of direct experience that the extension services can provides, and the confrontation with the reality, which differs, many times of what it is lived deeply in the library. We also perceive with evidences the support that professional p librarian of to the other professionals, spreading information, managing them, is still the biblioteconomia professional an educator, being this, perhaps its bigger contribution for the society. Carrying through a support work the formal education, whose concern is not only to supply information properly said, but to guide in the correct use of the quantity, in the election, acquisition of knowledge and to prepare them so that they can alone, to search information whenever to need. REFERENCES ALMEIDA JNIOR, Oswaldo Francisco of.
Society and information. So Paulo. You polish: APB, 1997. 129p. (Collection Word? key, 7). BLATTMANN, Ursula; VIAPIANA, Noeli.
Reading citizenship instrument. Available in: . Access in: 06 nov. 2008. BOCCIA, Sandra. Criteria of term of office more weigh each time in the competitiveness of the small businesses. Examination. Guide of good corporative citizenship. So Paulo. 2003. DALLARI, Dalmo. Human rights and citizenship. So Paulo: Modern, 1998. MANZINI-COVRE, Maria of Lourdes. What it is citizenship. So Paulo. Brasiliense, 2005. PINSKY, Jaime. History of the citizenship. Available in: . Access in: 06 nov. 2008. RIBEIRO, Vera Masago. Functional illiteracy: conceptual and metodolgicas references for research. Educao& society, Campinas, v. 18, N. 60, 1997.