Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffett – the guru of modern finance market, one of the richest people in the world's largest fund manager – yes Is it a title from Buffett? Advances native of Omaha in the financial field are so great that his opinion may influence on the market. What was his path to the Financial Olympus? Buffett, who was born in 1930 with childhood showed aptitude for mathematics and his first five dollars earned on stocks in 11 years. In 14 years, Warren has already owned a small land, which rents out to a farmer. Around the same time, Buffett was an acquaintance with books by Benjamin Graham, who made a big impression on Warren. In 1957, after training under the wing most of Graham, Buffett returns to his homeland, and organizes it its first investment company. He was able to put into it about $ 100, while each investor entrusted him 25000 dollars. In 1969, after the termination of the company's investors are attracted Buffett, could get a very substantial income.

In 1962, Warren buys textile plant of Berkshire Hathaway, the company, which later even became that most famous Berkshire Hathaway. Many people try to unravel the secrets of Buffett's investment. There are countless literature, which are somehow trying to describe the basic principles of investing Buffett. However, he does not hide them, Buffett is the author of several books, one of the most popular – "Essay on investments, corporate finance and management of companies," and his famous principles of investing have many followers. Buffett, of course, was not always the winner, but his approach to finance has proved its effectiveness.

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