Explorers of borders, many had changed themselves for the Mato Grosso, mainly the city of Cceres. The house was bought by Aristides de a Cruz Relative, father of Alexander? a cattle trader? he has 60 years more than. The old proprietor was Moiss Sunday, pecuarista. The property already was well different, the long and narrow land, had a very high ceiling, two rooms, a corridor, three rooms, a kitchen, a dismissal, two bathrooms and a wall. It was modified in the decade of 90 and today, beyond divided, it shows ceramics in the floor and lining in the ceiling.
The family, at the time, it inhabited in the Aboboreira small farm, the border with Serrita, still today pertaining to the clan. The house was acquired to have an urban property, symbol of social status and where to be when they needed to spend the night in the city. For these stories, supplied for the proper heirs, it is possible to verify the prosperity that the family enjoyed in this period and as some peasants obtained to be distinguished as traders. In another Aristides version a brother would have bought the property together with and the family would have acquired the remaining portion later. But this prosperity was recent.
' ' Aristides' Maria; ' , the son oldest? she was born in 1920? she told the hunger that they had passed during dry of 1932/33. The only available foods in the region were the bread of macambira, a cacti until today used in the droughts as animal fodder plant and the seed of mucun, a poisonous liana. Old inhabitants of the place tell similar histories. He dries was aggravated by the Great Depression, when commodities had lost its value in the world-wide market. Also the trader and farmer Joo Relative of S Barreto? distant relative of Aristides? he ordered its older son, ' ' Papa' ' , and an employee, Simeo, to search provisionses in the city of Bodoc, the region of the Araripe.