
The misfortune to know that is not enough it died. To complete the estria, the death disclosed its blames and indignities, in the measure where it transformed it of a dreadful crisis for the mortificao and the torment of interminable (the KASTENBAUM, 1983, p.157). The children construct the concept of death from differentiated vises, vises these that come from its parents, familiar, friends, neighbors, at last, of its social environment. The death desestrutura the familiar context of the deceased and when in this context it has children, the adults try not to exteriorizar the suffering assiduamente front the child to brighten up the impact that the death can have on it, so that it does not have the prolongation of this to suffer, as much for the adult how much for the child. As Bortolin (2003, p.1) it affirms: ' ' The death is the only situation that we do not have as to prevent in our lives, one day it will happen, fatalmente' '. Therefore, to prevent to speak on death or to protect in excess, making with that not touch in the subject, will be able to make it difficult its agreement on the cycle of the life. Beyond ' ' to prepare the children to deal with the death, does not mean to be the time all speaking on the subject.

We must speak of everything with the children, however, with common-sense, without exageros and proteo' ' (BORTOLIN, 2003, p.1). Child to understand it or to understand on the death concept, does not depend necessarily on its chronological age, but on the cognitivo development of it, that she involves psychological questions, social, intellectual and the experiences of this child with the death. With respect to these dimensions, the perception of death in children if characterizes for the learning on the same one in each phase of its development.

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