
The Riester Fund of UniProfirente DWS TopRente, DWS RiesterRente premium were flex dropped significantly from newcomer EBase Riester ForderRente. Test winner EBase Riester ForderRente of flex Riester savers would like to before completing a Riester Fondssparplans know, what rate of return you could expect. Usually you need to settle for forecasts and sample invoices from the vendors offer programs or studies that were commissioned by the Riester providers in order. Jeff Bezos pursues this goal as well. But these offer programs of vendors play hardly the actual performance potential of the products, because all providers expect a default assumed interest rate of 4%, 6% or 9% p.a.. But this is misleading and not the correct comparison of the success, is based on such a comparison but same returns of the Fund investment for all providers and compares then just the cost and concept differences. And where is the actual comparison of the returns of Riester Fund? Customers just want to know whether there is a difference in yield and flow performance for the Riester funds at the end. The crucial question, which should be a Riester savers, is therefore: what has become of a Riesterfondssparplan closed in the past until today? This question made is now the Publisher of Riester Fund and have compared concrete examples from the independent fund discounter Invextra contractual stock for the first time, completed by end of 2008. The following figure shows a specific comparison of the DWS TopRente EBase Riester ForderRente flex.

These two Riester funds were compared 2009 the test winners, since they had already suspended the two other Riester Fund DWS RiesterRente premium and UniProfirente. In both cases the Riester customers at the Fund discount store Invextra receive a discount on the subscription fee, which is accepted by the provider as the maximum permitted (EBase 100%, DWS 50% discount). The costs are not calculated on the amount of contributions deducted in the first 5 years and proportionally distributed on the contributions.

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